Almost every week I write or enhance software components that are deployed into a PROD environment. Every week, the full-fat versions of the ...Read more
Sometimes you get surprises while working in IT, you follow a simple set of instructions and things work for example. Rewording that sentence ...Read more
Yesterday the system was running fun. Today it is slow. What changed? How many times has this damn question been asked? The answer is ...Read more
Having migrated many systems from SQL Server to Oracle, I used to want to cry when I encounter this type of construct. [code ...Read more
Every time I undertake a project to migrate a system from SQL Server to Oracle, I am reminded how deficient and cumbersome it ...Read more
I have believed for some time that the SQL FROM clause is optional, that is optional from the standpoint of ANSI/IEC/ISO standards, not from ...Read more
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Apple, C#, Databases, Faircom, General IT Rant, German, Informatics, LINQ, MongoDB, Oracle, Perl, PostgreSQL, SQL, SQL Server, Unit Testing, XML/XSLT